if you couldn't tell from that last paragraph, i'm on campus! and not just to hang out, i'm actually starting this semester! hip hip hooray!
i went to my first meeting on monday night and met some of the student leaders. i kind of forgot about how many names i'm going to have to learn! the students were all very welcoming and excited to see me. i'm still working on figuring out exactly how my schedule is going to go, but so far it has been exciting just to be on campus and with the staff team.
the campus in general feels a little more like whitewater, so that is fun and different from madison. :) its definitely a transition from ministry in madison and support raising, so it will take a little adjustment, but i'm feeling good about it.
my youngest brother daniel is a student here and today we drove to campus together. i'm excited about that for a few different reasons...
1. his car is nicer than mine :)
2. when we are at home, he sits on his computer in the basement & only emerges for food, so this will provide some actual time that i can talk with him.
3. i will hopefully get to share more about what we are doing in Crusade and maybe at some point he will want to check it out.
all in all, its been a fun week so far. i'm excited to see what else the Lord has in store for me here on campus.
please continue to pray that support would continue to come in. i lowered my goal so i could report, but i would like to be at full support by this summer.
i just got a copy of our group picture from tcx, so i thought i would include that!

and last but not least, here is a verse that i discovered towards the beginning of my support-raising process...
"See, the Lord your God has set the land before you. Go up, take possession, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has told you. Do not fear or be dismayed."
it was true when i claimed it in that process and it is still so true as i look to reach this campus with the love of Christ!
1 comment:
and daniel rocks. obv.
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