Christmas began, of course, with everyone coming home. aaron & andrea arrived with proxy and my cat was not pleased. so he went in my room, pushed open the cabinet, pulled out some of my socks, and climbed in to hide. wow.

after all the excitement of people arriving, bizzie & proxy finally settled down and bizzie decided she could allow proxy near her.
Christmas Eve family pictures...
the baby gifts already started...
pretty girl...
this seems to be a tradition now. the boys (including dad!) all got mom the exact same thing: new headphones. i think we need to work on some communication skills....
aaron was a little more excited about his new gaming mouse than the baby stuff...
mr. darcy enjoying Christmas morning...
i got a gift from fiyero (yes, our dog). i was very confused until i opened it and discovered we now had matching snuggies! ;)
my brother daniel's girlfriend stephanie and her youngest sister grace wearing the scarves i knitted them for Christmas.
happy birthday Jesus! we had a great time celebrating as a family.
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